Dugouts and Diapers

Jessica Starr Nichols

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Chosen, Loved, Adored

Adoption….it seems to be trending, and that’s AMAZING!!!! It’s a heart-wrenching process that brings up fear, worry, hurt, excitement, and anticipated joy, but when you take that first family photo, or you hug your child for the first time, it’s just LOVE.

November is National Adoption Month, HERE is the link to the proclamation written and declared by our President. It’s truly beautiful. He describes adoption as, “a blessing for all involved,” and “life-changing.” He’s right! It’s scary and beautiful, and most importantly, it’s what we, as Christians, are called to do in James 1:27. We are to care for the widows and the orphans. Since we are in National Adoption Month, I am going to share with you all my adoption story.

I was a twenty year old single mother of a beautiful baby boy. The biological father isn’t in the picture. It was just me and my Banks for 9 years. Times were tough. Being a single parent was a hard that no one understands unless you’ve lived it. No child support, no help, nothing. It’s not only hard but also a lonely that’s indescribable. When Banks was two, I heard David Jeremiah on the radio preach on Psalm 68:5, “God Fathers the fatherless.” He just kept repeating that and saying, “you’re not alone! You’re not alone!” I was folding laundry in my living room at Fieldcrest Apartments, and I fell on my knees and I prayed. I had been running from God for a looooong time, and I still had more running to do, but in that moment, I repented of my past, and I prayed that God would provide a father for Banks and a husband for me. Over the years, no matter how far I strayed, I prayed that same prayer.

He was faithful. He was preparing me and Banks for Adam and Adam for us. Banks was 9 when Adam and I got married, and without any sort of conversation, Banks started calling Adam “dad” the day we got home from our honeymoon. Adam always saw and treated Banks like his son. He wanted to adopt Banks, and Banks wanted desperately for his last name to be Nichols. He would sign his papers at school, “Banks Nichols” long before the adoption was final. He wanted to belong. He wanted to be someone’s son. He wanted a father!

As I’m sure you know, adoption is expensive!!!!! Adam wanted to adopt Banks as soon as we were married, but the reality was, we didn’t have the money. Even when you don’t cross the globe to get your child, it’s outrageously expensive. Banks lived in the same house as us, and his adoption was just over $3,000. We were blessed by Adam’s parents. They knew how much adopting Banks meant to both Adam and Banks, and they offered to pay for it. Banks was 11 years old when the adoption was finalized. May 19, 2014, a prayer was answered and a promise was fulfilled. My child had an earthly father…a really, really GREAT father! For that, I will be forever thankful.

Getting to that day and having faith that God would provide was exhausting. Adoption isn’t for the weak. Waiting isn’t for the weak, and being a single parent or birth mom certainly isn’t for the weak. If you’re a single mom like I was, it wasn’t hard in that I was waiting for paperwork to be cleared and funds to be raised to get my child. It was hard in that choices from my past were brought to light and old wounds ripped open for all to see and not so fond memories of hurt you caused and choices you made are there on the table in order for the attorney to do his job. It’s hard for your child to see you in that light. It’s hard for them to hear their biological father is in prison, BUT God….He’s so faithful!!!! He covers all of that. He forgives, restores, and blesses.

So, maybe your heart is being led to adopt. I can help you get in contact with some incredible resources. Maybe you’re not there yet, but you want to do your part and help the orphans or children in foster care. I have local resources for that as well. Maybe you’re that single mom that is feeling tired, broken down, and forgotten. Hold your head up, Mama! You are strong! You are doing something not everyone is capable of doing. God sees you struggling. He sees you going without so your kids have what they need. He has a plan. Trust in Him. Have faith. You are LOVED!❤️

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Blink and They’re Grown

July 28, 2002, changed my life forever. I became a mom. I didn’t plan it. I wasn’t ready. The timing was bad. The circumstances were awful. Little did I know that God had HUGE plans for this little 7 pound 1ounce, 23 inch long baby boy.💙

I was just a child myself. I didn’t know how to raise a child. Within the first few days, I was presented with a multitude of options and decisions that had to be made. It was more than my 20 year old self could handle, but thankfully I had parents that loved me and showed me grace. I didn’t have any idea how much this little LIFE would change mine. Mathis Banks was the best baby. He was a nursing champ! He slept well, cried very little…strong and resilient from the beginning. When I lost all my friends, he was my buddy. Banks was my constant sidekick for 9 years.

I messed up….A LOT….but he loved me despite poor decisions, working all the time, no money for vacations, and no daddy. We did our best, and he kept me going. It was giving him life that saved mine. Without the birth of Banks, I don’t know that I ever would have come to know Jesus. Without Banks, I wouldn’t be the person and mother I am today. Without Banks, I would be incomplete.

Sacrifice is a major part of parenting. There were times I went hungry so he could eat. There were many years daycare and babysitters spent more time with him than I did due to school and work. There was a time we didn’t have a vehicle and walked where we needed to go. There were bills that were paid late. There were some really hard times. This kid ALWAYS smiled, laughed, excelled in school, and was there to hug me and love me. He’s incredible! Some kids cave and rebel when they’re made to feel less than by their peers because they don’t have the best of possessions or don’t live on the right side of town or don’t have a dad. Not Banks! He has used it all to drive him 1.) Closer to God and 2.) In full pursuit to fulfill his dreams and prove to all those that have made him feel like a “nothing” that he is indeed a “something”. Though the first 9 years were tough, we had blessings coming. We prayed and prayed for a husband and a daddy, and In 2011, God delivered. It went from just the two of us to a family! From the first time they met, Adam and Banks were best buddies! Banks would hang on him and wrestle, and I don’t know who loved it more, Adam or Banks. As a matter of a fact, Adam told Banks he loved him before he told me! A lot changed for Banks when he was given a daddy. Adam has taught him confidence, how to tie a tie, all the ins and outs of muscle cars and cars in general, talked to him about the birds and bees😬, and taught him to drive. Because of Adam’s love, Banks is adopted and chosen!

It was not long after Banks was given a daddy that he was also made a big brother. After being an only child for 10 years, I wondered how he would take this change, but in perfect Banks form, he instantly was the absolute best big brother in the world! Seriously, he helped change diapers, play, was always willing to take a picture with Weston, and is now Weston’s role model, babysitter, and best friend. The past two summers Banks has taken care of Weston everyday while I work (40-50 hrs/week). I come home to a clean house and well-cared for 5 year old. Banks is truly an amazing kid. Most teenagers are selfish and only care about what they want during the summer, but Banks never complains about having a summer job. Weston is one lucky kid to have a brother like Banks!Banks is not only a hard worker, but he is also athletic. Over the past 16 years, he’s played 10 years of city league baseball, junior high school baseball, junior varsity school baseball, junior varsity football, and varsity football. Sports is another parenting sacrifice. It’s time-consuming and takes a lot of patience, and sometimes self-control, but it’s worth every penny and every hour spent at a ballpark and stadium. Athletes are disciplined, driven, and sports teaches kids a lot about humility, teamwork, and confidence. There’s no where I would rather be on a Friday night or an entire Saturday than watching my Banks play ball.

I’m not finished bragging yet! He is also smart…like really smart. You wouldn’t know it now, but he was actually kicked out of our local magnet school after one semester of kindergarten because the teacher said he wouldn’t behave. Of course, he had perfect grades and had not missed a question all year. That same teacher also mandated that I have him tested for attention problems. The physician wrote on a prescription pad, “This child is bored. Give him something to do!” I wish I had that teacher’s phone number now. I would send her every picture I’ve taken over the last 16 years of every academic accomplishment he’s achieved. I would also send them to the principal of that magnet school so she could see the outcome of a child she had no faith in and gave up on. Banks still makes excellent grades, just passed his first AP exam, already qualifies for scholarships at every college we’ve visited, and does an amazing job of balancing both sports and school. He’s self-motivated. He wants to be an attorney, and we have been touring college campuses to find the best place for Banks to fulfill his dreams and succeed.

As you can see, the last 16 years have been filled with trials, hardships, diseases, rejections, crying, fun, blessings, adoptions, vacations, family, sports, achievements, success, laughter, and most importantly LOVE. On Saturday, July 28, the little baby that changed my life will be 16. He’s handsome, kind, respectful, smart, athletic, funny, and destined for greatness. I’ve prayed and cried over this child. I’m his biggest fan. Together we’ve beat poverty, loneliness, hatred, discrimination, epilepsy, and every other odd that was against us. Banks, I’m so proud that you are now a man that loves God first, your family, are a loyal friend, never too big or embarrassed to take a picture with your mom, and always put others first. I knew when you were born that God had amazing plans for you. I’ve never stopped and never will stop helping you achieve every goal you have. Your birthday changed my life forever, and I could never be more thankful and proud to be your mom. The years have passed quickly, and I can’t believe your going to be 16 and a junior in high school, going to prom, and applying to college next summer. You make me proud, and you make all the hard times worth it. I will always be your biggest fan! I love you and happy birthday, my Banks!


Mommin’ Ain’t Easy

Most little girls, especially down here in the South, dream of and have a picture perfect plan of going to college, getting married right after college, and having babies shortly after marriage. I was never that girl! All I ever wanted to do was become a physician. I ended up being quite a phenomenal mother. So, looking back, I don’t even know that girl. There are still glimpses of her in aspects such as my incessant attention to detail and order, my love of learning, and my need and want to help everyone. Life without my boys….that I can’t imagine! For me, becoming a mother certainly wasn’t wrapped up in the beautiful little bow 🎀 that most girls envision. I was 20 years old, single, had disappointed everyone I loved, and was scared to death. I was presented with many options and choices about what would be best for me and what would be best for the child. It was overwhelming, and no one should have to face these decisions! People do though, every single day! It’s heart wrenching!😭😭😭 After the indescribable love and grace my parents showed me, I decided to keep the little 7lb. 1oz. little boy I gave birth to naturally at 5:31am on July 28, 2002.Mathis Banks Nichols changed my life! He was the one thing I had in my life that I was determined not to screw up! I made more mistakes than I can count, and some I pray that he never remembers. I was a child raising a child. The days were filled with me working and going to school. He spent more time at daycare and with the babysitter than he did with me, but as a single mom, you take on the responsibility of not only meeting the basic needs of a child but also of providing a life for your child. There were many nights that I would cry myself to sleep wondering how in the world we were going to make it. There were many meals I went hungry so that he could eat. There was a time when I didn’t have a vehicle and we had to walk where we needed to go or call a cab (if I had the money). Those first 8 1/2 years of life just being the two of us were beyond hard! That’s what being a mother is all about though….it’s not about you! It’s about sacrifice, the hard, the good, the sweet, the bond, THE LOVE!💕While some days still aren’t easy, that little baby boy that changed my life has now grown into a truly good, handsome, intelligent, and kind MAN! While I know I am a phenomenal mother, some days (like today) I cry tears of thanksgiving and humility for all that God has done and is going to do through Banks. He’s had a plan for him since the day He formed him in my womb. He knew that selfish, weak girl needed to know that it wasn’t all about her and she was stronger than strong and that life was going to be hard, but it would be oh so worth it! God had all kinds of amazing blessings in store for Banks and me.After God sent me a husband and Banks a dad, I got to become a mom for the second time. Although this baby was entering the world with that pretty little bow of a husband, good jobs, and a family, it still wasn’t easy. Travis Weston Nichols entered the world at 12:18am October 16, 2012. I had been on 8 weeks of complete bed rest, 6 weeks in the hospital. My body was in panic mode, yet there was no time to heal my own body and take care of myself, because in case you didn’t know, being a mother is full-time work! Unlike any work you will ever do! This little boy changed my life again. It was a different hard than doing it all alone as I did with Banks. It was more of a physical hard. That pregnancy wreaked havoc on my body, and I wasn’t healthy and couldn’t take the time to get healthy so there was definitely a lot of depression, further weight gain, outbursts of anger, and sheer exhaustion. Hence, here I am 5 years later working my booty off (literally) to be the healthiest version of myself. Thankfully, Weston is so smiley, happy, and loving that just at the time I’m heading to the bathroom to have a good cry, he’s there with those sweet lips puckered ready to give a hug and kiss.😘 Again, life-changing! Raising men is no joke, and I feel so blessed to have been chosen to raise these two wonderful men. The future is bright for these two!😎I don’t believe that anyone who gives birth is automatically a good mother. It takes inspiration and determination to be a good mother. Maybe some draw it from their childhood or grandparents or special friends, but me, I learned how to be the mother that I am from my mom. She’s phenomenal! I didn’t always agree with her or even understand why she made me do a certain thing at a certain time, but now, looking back as a mother myself, I know it was to help build character, work ethic, and mold me into the woman I am today. If I could only put into words the love and grace she has shown me time after time after time….maybe then you would know just how magnificent she is. She taught me to be tough when I’m hurt. She taught me tough love. She taught me that being a mother to my children is more important than being their friend. She taught me to believe in myself. She taught me put God first, husband second, and children third. She taught me to give and do all I can to help my children. She taught me to value myself and my health. She stood beside me and held my hand as I birthed both of my boys. When I had Banks, she assured me I could do it, but it wouldn’t be easy. She let me know that she and my dad would ALWAYS be there for me and my siblings, and they have been. She’s never coddled us, but that’s certainly why we are all able to stand strong after walking the paths we have. She taught me to LOVE and LOVE BIG! 💕 She’s taught me that while “Mommin’ Ain’t Easy,” it’s oh so worth it! Pam Leverette, words will never be enough to tell you just how loved and adored you are! You inspire me!😘

So, if you’re a single mom reading this, I’ve been where you are. I know you’re sad, scared, and exhausted. Here’s my advice…put on your big girl panties, finish school (there’s millions of grant dollars to put single moms through school), quit leaving your kids with your parents (they’ve already raised you. This isn’t their job), get a job (multiple jobs if that’s what it takes), respect yourself enough to know your worth (one poor decision doesn’t have to define you), spend more time being an amazing mother than looking for a baby daddy (pray for the right man and God will send him in time. I prayed for 8 years!), and lastly find a source of inspiration, you have a LIFE that is counting on you!

To the new mother that is suffering from Postpartum depression and health issues, I’ve been there too. My advice to you also begins with put on your big girl panties, it’s your hormones and health (it’s fixable), make time for your health. You’ll be a better wife, mom, and friend if you’re healthy. You’re worth it!

To my mom and every mom out there, Happy Mother’s Day! We were all CHOSEN for this journey called motherhood. We are freakin superheroes!💪🏻

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Thanks and Giving

Family, food, a home, a job, clothing, etc…the general list of things for which we are thankful. This year my list is a bit different. The top of my list remains the same with my salvation in Jesus Christ being what I’m most thankful for, but definitely number two on my list is my health. Without my health, I could not be the wife or mother or daughter or sister or friend that God created me to be. I could not be my best version of myself. This journey to great health has only just begun, but I’m incredibly thankful that I am no longer where I was 110 days ago.

Now that I have completed the True Cellular Detox, I will begin the Cellular Vitality Phase. This phase is helping to keep the purified pathways from the detox open, and throughout this phase, my damaged cells from years of living an unhealthy lifestyle will continue to repair themselves. I will continue on the Ketogenic Diet, and my burst workout routine will stay the same.

While I know remaining committed throughout the holidays will be a true test, I’m committed, determined, and ready! As of today, I have lost a total of 40 pounds and 44 5/8 inches. I NEVER want to undo what I’ve worked so hard to accomplish, and I never want to feel the way I felt four months ago!

None of my accomplishments would have been possible without certain people giving their time, talents, gifts, encouragement, and support. The first two pictures are of my Balance 30a family. Yes, I consider them family. From the moment I walked in their doors on July 28, 2017, they opened their hearts to me. I don’t want to play the “poor fat girl card,” but honestly, more times than not, obese people are overlooked, ignored, and frowned upon when they walk into any type of health facility, gym, clothing store, etc… Not at Balance Health Studio! These beautiful souls embraced, loved, and supported me from the moment I walked in the door. They wanted to help me get healthy. Emma and Whitney (both in the top picture) greeted me with a hug and a smile on a day that I was so scared and broken. They have encouraged me throughout this journey, and I was SUPER excited to see them yesterday. The second picture is of THE MAN, Dr. Bart Precourt! I worked with physicians for years, and I’ve never met a doctor that truly wanted his patients to be healthy the way Dr. Bart does. He gave me answers, encouragement, and hope, and for that, I will forever be grateful. My family has given me so much support and encouragement that I am humbled by how blessed I am to call them mine. I have the best parents on earth! They want me to be healthy and love me enough to encourage me and invest in my life. My manclan is beyond words. They have adapted to the Ketogenic Diet without complaint, and they actually feel better themselves. Without my manclan, I wouldn’t be the person I am today. Because of the encouragement they have given me, I am able to be a better wife and mother.

As we enter this week of reflecting on what we are thankful for, why not consider your health? Why not be the best version of yourself? The holidays are hard. There are emotional highs and lows, financial strain, gluttony, and a very busy schedule, but there are other options. I am excited to, for the first time in my life, consider what I’m putting in my body and being still in those moments of emotion and allow myself to feel. Utilizing the tools Dr. Bart has given me is going to allow me to be the best version of myself this holiday season.

So to my Balance 30a family, thank you for loving and supporting me. I can never put into words just exactly how grateful I am to know you all. To my parents, you’re everything God instructs a parent to be. You’re loving, caring, and you invest in us. I’m beyond thankful for you both. To my manclan, you are my heart and my strength. The love I have for you three is beyond. Thank you! To all who read my blog, have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Be your best you this week.❤️

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Brain Phase is for the Birds

I am sorry to report that the Brain Phase has not gotten any better. I am approaching the end of the third week of this phase, and I still feel weak and a bit deprived of energy. Despite not losing a pound in the past two weeks, I am still extremely motivated to reach my goals. It is very difficult to continue exercising, eating exactly what you are supposed to, and following the rules exactly when there are little to no results. I like results! I am doing my part, now my body needs to follow suit, or so it should according to my logic! 😜

Dr. Bart Precourt warned me that I would reach this TEMPORARY plateau. I am going to keep it real with you, there have been several times, I have wanted to say, “screw it!” The important thing is I haven’t! When everyone around me was eating a big juicy burger and fries at my granny’s birthday, I ate blackened salmon and a bowl of broccoli, or when my patient ate fried chicken and ice cream at lunch, I diligently cooked and ate my eggs and spinach. By nature, I am a rule follower. I do not like disappointing people, and so many people have invested time, money, and energy into helping me be healthy. That is why I haven’t given up. I also know if I go back to the lifestyle of poor eating habits, lack of exercise, and depression, I will never recover. I NEVER want to be that person again!

I do not want you all to think there has been absolutely no progress at all. Although the scales have not changed in two weeks, I have lost inches, and others are finally starting to comment on and notice my weight loss, and results are being seen in my clothes. As of this morning, I have lost 35 pounds, 34 5/8 inches, and my scrub pants are cinched above my belly button and baggy like clown pants. I have been wearing clothes that I have not been able to wear in years. Last night I went to a play with my granny, my sister, and my mom, and I wore a dress that I have not been able to wear in 4 years. I did reach my goal of weighing what I did when I found out I was pregnant with Weston, and my next goal is to lose 30 more pounds by Valentine’s Day. When I reach this goal, I will weigh what I did when I got married. I know the progress will continue to come as long as my dedication remains. It is just difficult to keep going when your body is clearly not receiving the message to get with the program. Hahaha!

Monday, I begin the final seven days of this 110 day journey. On November 17, I get to see Dr. Bart and the Balance 30a team. I cannot wait to see all these sweet souls that have been so encouraging and kind, and I cannot wait to see what Dr. Bart has planned for the next leg of my journey. This has been hard, and long, and I am not oblivious to the fact that it is still going to take a lot of time and dedication to get to where I want to be, and it is always going to be hard. I think what it comes down to is you have to ask yourself, “do you want to continue to be an unhealthy big tub of goo” or “do you want to be your best?” For me, I want to be my best! Next week I will be breaking down all the detailed results of my 110 day journey of True Cellular Detox. Come back, read all about it, and be inspired to be your best!

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Oh The Brain Phase

So far the True Cellular Detox has been a land of rainbows and butterflies, but the first week of the Brain Phase has been a doozie!

The Brain Phase involves a lot of steps. Every morning for the first seven days, I took a morning packet, a Brain packet, and the sublingual cytodetox. In the afternoon, I took an afternoon packet, a Brain packet, and the sublingual cytodetox. At bedtime, I took the night packet. The second week is back to just one packet every morning, afternoon, and night. I began week two today, and boy did my body need a break! The first five days, I was nauseated for about 3 hours every morning. The nausea subsided Saturday morning, but I’ve been EXTREMELY lethargic since beginning the Brain Phase as well. I’ve continued with my burst workouts, but I am going to be completely honest and let you know that I had to give myself a pep talk and make myself exercise last week. I am not sure if it was the intensity of the Brain Phase or if it is PMS or if it is how busy life is right now or a combination of the three, but I am so thankful for a week of fewer steps and rules to follow.

Following the Prep Phase, I posted the results of my toxicity testing, and I was blown away and amazed, but nothing compared to the results of my testing following the Body Phase! As I mentioned a few posts ago, when I first met with Dr. Bart Precourt and his Balance 30a staff, my Neurotoxic questionnaire score was over 20, and it is now down to an 8. HUGE improvement! My original MetaOxy urine test results were 7+. After the Prep Phase, my toxicity level was between a 5 and a 6, and as you can see in the photo above, the toxicity level has decreased to between a 1 and a 2. This was mind blowing! Lastly, the results of my VCS toxicity test have gone from 65% in July, which was highly toxic, to 89% at the end of the Body Phase, which is just 1% away from what the testing depicts as “healthy”. In the seventy-seven days since my initial consultation, I have lost 34.6 pounds and 32 inches. All of these results are the driving force behind my determination to keep going despite the tough times that came with the beginning of the Brain Phase.

My other three driving forces are my husband, my Banks, and my Weston. I want to be healthy for them. I want to enjoy every moment of this life with them. They are my heart and my loves. They are worth persevering for. So, as I begin week two of the Brain Phase, I am praying for renewed strength and energy, because life certainly is not going to slow down anytime soon. I would appreciate your prayers too. Thank you all for reading my little blog and for walking this journey with me. I am incredibly thankful and humbled.💕

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One Phase Left

As The Body Phase comes to an end on Sunday, I am excited and amazed at my results, but I am also praying that my success continues after I finish The Brain Phase.

Throughout these last seventy days, I have thought a lot about my life and choices I have made. My early and mid-twenties were filled with mostly terrible decisions, but as I grow older, I am able to look back see God’s grace in my life and His provision. Life has been hard, but through it all, I now know my strength, and I also know that time after time, things in my life have seemed impossible, but God has turned the impossible into the possible. My greatest decisions in life have been: 1.) Giving my heart and life to Jesus Christ 2.) Choosing to keep and raise my oldest son 3.) Marrying my Adam❤️ and 4.) Starting True Cellular Detox. All of these decisions have been life-changing, and although I am not where I want to be, I am definitely thankful I am not where I once was.

Ephesians 3:20, is my life verse and my favorite verse. I love it, because it displays the power of my God! He can do anything in and through us, we just have to be willing. My entire life bears witness to this verse, especially these last seventy days. I pray everyday that He will give me the power to keep going and to stay strong in this journey, because I am going to tell you, the urge for a Coca Cola is REAL from time to time. Hahaha! As I have mentioned in previous posts, I encourage anyone who struggles with their weight or health in general to call the Balance 30a team and make an appointment to see Dr. Bart Precourt. They are kind, compassionate, and truly bring light to your life. I am so grateful for each and every one of them and how they have impacted my life.

Let’s get to the goods, the first picture was taken July 4, 2016, and my fabulous bathroom selfie was taken today, October 6, 2017, in Mrs. Betty’s bathroom! Mrs. Betty is the precious lady that I take care of everyday. As a side note, old people surely do love artificial flowers. Hahahaha! When I began this journey seventy days ago, I weighed three pounds more than I did in the top picture. As of this morning, I have lost 31 pounds and 28 inches. I absolutely cannot believe the difference in my clothes, my skin, my energy, my sleep, my mood, my emotions, and my sex life. My clothes are big. I am able to wear things I stashed away and secretly hoped I would wear again. My skin is clear and bright. The loose skin is going to be an issue, but as I mentioned in my last post, I will find someone to nip and tuck that mess when I lose all my weight. I have tons of energy and actually become fidgety if I sit for too long. I sleep soundly throughout the night and wake up energized and well-rested. I have not broken into tears or lashed out due to hormones being haywire since the day I met with Dr. Bart. My sex life has always been amazing because my husband and our marriage is amazing, but when I tell you it’s good, it’s GOOD these days! 😍 I am also proud to share that I am only four pounds away from my personal goal of weighing what I did when I got pregnant with Weston by his 5th birthday, which is October 16. I believe and know I can accomplish this!

I will begin the Brain Phase, which is the final phase of the Detox process, on Monday. Check back next weekend for another update and a brief summary of the Brain Phase and what it entails. As always, thank you to everyone who has loved and supported me over these last 70 days. I love you all!😘

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Body Phase Update

So, two weeks into the Body Phase of True Cellular Detox and the changes are crazy! Now, the first week was quite uneventful. I didn’t lose any weight, and I had only lost two inches. That was also a very emotional and stressful week due to multiple things, but I had been forewarned by Dr. Bart that my body would check to see if I was serious about the changes I’ve been making. He told me to stay focused and committed to eating well and exercising, and my body would catch up. Of course, he was right! This week I lost just over three pounds and three inches. In a total of nearly two months (one month and 24 days), I’ve lost 23 pounds and 23 7/8 inches! Yes, every 1/8 of an inch counts! Hahaha! To put that into perspective, my boys weighed about 23 pounds at 18 months old, and they felt heavy to tote around! I don’t say this to be conceited, because I’m truly a selfless person, but I’m so proud of myself. There’s such a sense of pride I feel as I look in the mirror everyday. I’m thankful for that, because I needed that self-confidence.My ultimate goal seems so much more achievable now. I also feel so great that I don’t want to stop or give up! While the results are incredible, it’s not always rainbows and butterflies! There have definitely been times I’ve felt like Regina from Mean Girls! I feel like I cook and eat the same meals over and over again, and it’s a bit monotonous. Praise Jesus for Pinterest!!!!! You can find a Keto version of every recipe known to man, and it’s been a complete game changer. We have, of course, continued using 100% organic products, and they make everything taste better. I’ve also experienced extreme thirst, especially since beginning the Body Phase. I’m not exaggerating when I tell you I’m consistently drinking a gallon and a half to two gallons of water each day. While the bathroom breaks become exhausting, it just reminds me that my body is indeed in that state of ketosis, and it is indeed burning fat! I’m literally a fat-burning machine! Thankfully, I haven’t really craved any carbs. About once a week, I will want something sweet, but one square of 78% dark chocolate hits the spot. Prior to my visit with Dr. Bart and his team at Balance 30a, it would not have phased me to eat half a pint of ice cream three nights/week or more. I’m just amazed at how my body isn’t craving the things it once did.Lastly I’m going to share with you how pumped I was this morning when I was trying to decide what to wear to church, and I was able to wear a cute little dress I bought two years ago and was never able to wear. I refused to take it back and get another size, because I told myself that it would fit someday, and that someday was today! Whoop whoop!!!! Stretch marks on my loose skin are beginning to appear, and they aren’t cute, but when I lose all my weight, I will find a plastic surgeon to fix all that nonsense. Hahaha. I honestly can’t find anything to complain about too much, because the way I feel and am beginning to look is just incredible. I pray and ask you to pray with me that when I post an update in mid-October, 3 weeks from now, I have lost 10 more pounds! I know it’s going to be tough, but it’s possible. The reason this is important is because October 16 is Weston’s 5th birthday, and if I lose ten pounds by then, I will be back at the weight I was when I became pregnant with him. It’s been a long five years since I’ve seen that number, and it will just be a personal victory for me. Thank you all for reading, and I will update again soon!


True Cellular Detox

Exercise, eating clean, counting calories, counting steps, and watching the number on the scale go up! Grrrrrr!!!!!! This has been my life for the past 5 years. I would lose 5-10 pounds but never anything more. I never had this problem until after I was on 8 weeks of bedrest during my second pregnancy. During this time, I gained 80 pounds, and after he was born, I was exhausted and was never able to achieve any real weight loss results. I've tried and given it my all for nearly 5 years. I went to my physician, and they would tell me I was an excellent candidate for weight loss surgery or would offer diet pills, which when you have epilepsy, do more harm than good. I didn't want a quick fix. I was willing to do the work. I just wanted to know why! Why, despite all my efforts, can I not lose weight, and why do I feel exhausted, ill, and just plain sick?

Fast forward to July 28, and I emotionally met with Dr. Bart Precourt and the staff at Balance 30A in Seagrove Beach, FL. Dr. Bart has helped my parents find an all-natural way to maintain their health as they grow older, and my mom suggested that he could help me too. It was emotional, because I had struggled for so long. After extensive testing, we discovered that my hormones were so far out of whack, which happened during the bed rest nearly five years ago, that my body was filled with inflammation. Dr. Bart explained that when the cells needed certain vitamins and minerals, despite my choice to eat healthy, the cells couldn't absorb the nutrients they needed because of the inflammation, and my body didn't know what to do with what I ate, except store it as fat.

Please understand that I, in no way, am saying that my weight gain was completely hormonal. I did make some poor choices, because I was so overwhelmed, frustrated, and exhausted with no results, despite my best efforts as well as dealing with the stresses and challenges life has presented us. Some of this was my fault. Everything is a choice!

Dr. Bart and his staff are so kind and compassionate. From the moment you walk in the door, you feel like these people genuinely want to help you. That was such a comfort as well as an answer to prayer. After my appointment, I told my mom that for the first time, I felt like there was actual hope for me to be healthy again. I cannot put into words what a comfort that is.

Two weeks prior to my appointment, I had made the decision to begin a morning exercise routine and revisit our previous clean eating habits. So, I was already headed in the right direction to prepare my body for the treatment. How do you treat this? Well, you rid your body and brain of all the toxins that have caused this inflammation and are keeping my body from functioning properly. For me, it's going to be at least a 100 day process.

For the first ten days, I continued waking up every morning at 5am to exercise and ate no gluten, no sugar, no red meat, no dairy, and drinking only water, which is all my family has drank for the last two years. So, that part wasn't difficult. I was also taking Standard Process supplements, which Dr. Bart sells at Balance, three times each day. Literally three days into this, I felt like a new person. I've told many people, "You never know just how sick you actually were until you begin to feel better."

The next 90 days will be divided into three phases: Prep Phase, Body Phase, and Brain Phase. These three phases make up the True Cellular Detox. You begin by completing an online training course, to familiarize yourself with the program as well as to explain what's going on in your body, and how each phase is going to affect your body. I began Prep Phase today. My morning was greeted with some of the suggested yoga poses, breathing exercises, and a burst workout, which is recommended in the training videos. I haven't been hungry or miserable at all, due to the filling Ketogenic type diet. I've felt satisfied, hopeful, optimistic, and excited.

Each phase will last 30 days, and I will consult with Dr. Bart at the end of each phase, where we will recheck my toxicity levels and progress through various testing and measurements. He and his staff have made themselves available at anytime to me, which again shows their dedication to helping people be healthy as well as their care and compassion.

I'm so thankful for not only Dr. Bart and the Balance 30A team but also for my incredible parents that are always willing to share their knowledge and wisdom as well as offer support in any way they can. If my mom had not told me about Dr. Bart and had I not seen the results she and my dad have achieved, I never would have gone. I am also so extremely grateful for a wonderful husband that is so supportive and has finally seen and understood just how sick I was for the last five years. I'm thankful for children that are not picky and eat anything that is cooked, because cooking two separate meals wasn't an option. Hahaha. I'm thankful for the perseverance and will that God has instilled within me to give my everything to this process. I've always been determined, strong, and a hard worker. I'm thankful He made me the way He did.

I will continue to update my blog periodically throughout each phase and post results as I see them. If anyone reading this has ever felt hopeless when it comes to your health, I encourage you to contact Dr. Bart and his staff at Balance 30A, because they can help you and want to help you.

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A Huge Thank You

I’m writing this post to say, “thank you” to everyone who has helped support me in raising funds for my upcoming mission trip to Austin, Tx.

To those of you that purchased homemade savory and sweet treats from me during the holidays, thank you. I love to bake, and each item was prayed over and cooked with love. Thanks your kindness and generosity, I was able to raise just under $300 for my trip.

To my precious church family, thank you so much! Whether you chose us to wrap your Christmas gifts, dined with us at our fundraiser meal, donated baked items to our baked goods auction, bid on baked goods, or donated to our recent love offering, your support was monumental. It is a blessing to be part of such a loving and generous church family.

To my family and friends that chose to simply donate money to my trip, I love you all so much, and I’m so thankful for your selfless generosity.

However you chose to give, I’m so incredibly thankful. When God laid this trip on my heart last summer, I knew He would provide, because that’s who He is! It humbles me and leaves me in awe of my God to report that my entire trip (lodging, transportation, and food) is completely paid for through your generosity.

Some have asked specifically what we will be doing. Since we will covet your specific prayers each day, here is our schedule:

Sunday,  June 11- travel day! We will leave Dothan at 5am and arrive in Austin at approximately 8:30pm

Monday, June 12- orientation at the Austin Pregnancy Resource Center in the morning followed by ministering to patients at the center in the afternoon.

Tuesday, June 13- praying and witnessing at Planned Parenthood. This will be an emotionally and spiritually challenging day. We covet your prayers!!!

Wednesday, June 14- working at the APRC in the morning and we will be kicking off their on-campus outreach ministry at the University of Texas-Austin that afternoon

Thursday, June 15- we will be restocking the center and making house calls to those that are without transportation.

Friday, June 16- we will be working with patients at the center in the morning and continuing our on-campus outreach in the afternoon.

I ask you to specifically pray for lives to be changed both spiritually and physically. I ask you to pray that God will use our stories of teen pregnancy, single parenthood, adoption, and infertility to give hope to these ladies in such a hopeless situation. I ask that you also pray for God to grow and change me on this trip. I owe everything to Him, and I want to be my best for Him as well as for my family. 

I’m so thankful for each lady that He has clearly hand-picked for this trip, and I look forward to serving with them as well as my new friends at the Austin Pregnancy Resource Center. Thank you all again for your overwhelming support. I can’t wait to come back and share with you all what awesome things God did in Austin!❤️